Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Exacerbate Meaning and Usage


Exacerbate Meaning:

- to aggravate,  to make worse
- to irritate, to vex


Usage examples:

- reservation policies exacerbate existing inequalities
- exacerbate existing mental health problems
- a speech that exacerbated racial tensions
- a heavy rainfall that exacerbated the flood problems.


Use exacerbate in a sentence:

1.      You will only exacerbate the situation if you try to call her.

3.      It is unwise to take aspirin to try to relieve heartburn; instead of providing relief, the drug will only exacerbate the problem.

4.      Putting weight on your twisted ankle will exacerbate your discomfort.

6.      You may want to keep a food log for a week or two to see whether any particular foods exacerbate the symptoms.

7.      The proposed factory shutdown would only exacerbate our unemployment problems.

8.      Changes in the tax law will only exacerbate problems in capital investment.

    The coming elections will likely exacerbate the conflicts within Congress.

9.      Higher pollen counts will exacerbate breathing difficulty for those with allergies.


aggravate, annoy, egg on, embitter, enrage, envenom, intensify, irritate, provoke, vex, worsen

relieve, soothe, alleviate, ameliorate, aid, calm,comfort, help


Related forms:

exacerbatingly : adverb
exacerbation    : noun


Usages from some Books:

As a final blow in this horrible period of her life, Marie suffered a breakdown in her health, “a severe and complicated kidney ailment,” Quinn writes, “undoubtedly exacerbated by the pain of the scandal. She was unable to work.” 
“Great Physicists” - William H. Cropper

It was plain that the Hufflepuffs felt that Harry had stolen their champion's glory; a feeling exacerbated, perhaps, by the fact that Hufflepuff House very rarely got any glory, and that Cedric was one of the few who had ever given them any, having beaten Gryffindor once at Quidditch.
“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” – J.K. Rowling

The explanation of the photoelectric effect won Einstein the Nobel Prize in 1921. Great experiments such as Lenard’s win Nobel Prizes, but great explanations such as Einstein’s not only win Nobel Prizes but also make history. Perhaps unhappy at being upstaged by Einstein, possibly exacerbated by his inability to find the explanation for the photoelectric effect he had discovered (and on which he could have cornered both the experimental and theoretical markets), Lenard disparaged Einstein’s theory of relativity as “Jewish science” and became an ardent supporter of the Nazis.
“How math explains the world” - James D. Stein.

Nash and Alicia were living together once more, but not especially happily. The turbulence of the two previous years had produced an accumulation of hurts and resentments, and the resulting coldness lingered and was exacerbated by new conflicts over money, childrearing, and other issues of daily living.
“A Beautiful mind” – Sylvia Nasar


Monday, December 19, 2011

Frivolous Meaning and Usage


Frivolous Meaning:

- Of little weight or importance; not worth notice; slight.

- Given to trifling; marked with unbecoming levity; silly; interested especially in trifling matters.

- Unworthy of serious attention; trivial.

- characterized by lack of seriousness or sense.

- self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any serious purpose.

- of little or no weight, worth, or importance; not worthy of serious notice.


Usage Examples:

a frivolous remark

frivolous details

a frivolous novel

a frivolous purchase

a frivolous argument

the frivolity of his behavior

frivolous conduct

a frivolous suggestion


Use Frivolous in a sentence:

1. He wasted his time on frivolous pleasures.

2. I have no time for frivolities.

3. She thinks window shopping is a frivolous activity.

4. She knew that people might think her frivolous, Kitty said, to talk to some saint when she had a cooking disaster, but that was what she really believed the saints were there for.

5. The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are frivolous projects.

6. I just decided I was a bit too frivolous to be a doctor.

7. While this may seem a slightly frivolous idea, it is far from it.

8. The poker player was frivolous with his money and gambled it all away.

9. Why would I occupy my time with such a frivolous idea.


Related forms:

Frivolously - adverb

Frivolousness- noun

Frivolity - noun


Frivolous Synonyms:

childish, dizzy, extravagant, fiddling, flighty, foolish, idle, impractical, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, juvenile, light, little, minor, minute, negligible, niggling, nugatory, paltry, peripheral, petty, pointless, puerile, shallow, silly, slight, superficial, trifling, trivial, unimportant, flippant.

Frivolous Antonyms:

important, serious, vital, earnest, responsible, practical, mature, sensible, solemn, big, consequential, eventful, major, material, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty


Some more examples:

1. Smithson went to court on a frivolous lawsuit. The judge admonished him for bringing up such a silly matter before the court and wasting its time.

2. While some meaningful psychological information can be extracted from dream reports, we also should recognize that some aspects of dream content may turn out to be nothing more than frivolous products of the freewheeling improvisation the brain undergoes when input from the external world is shut off while the forebrain is activated.

3. Then, suddenly altering his tone, ‘Excuse this frivolous family badinage, Mr. Malone. I called you back for some more serious purpose than to mix you up with our little domestic pleasantries.’

4. After a frivolous youth devoted mainly to gambling, Peter began his university studies at Lawrence and completed them in 1625 with a doctorate in medicine.
