Thursday, November 12, 2009

Esoteric Meaning and Usage


Esoteric Meaning:


- beyond the understanding of an average mind, tough to understand.
- intended for or understood by only a particular group.
- of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people, not publicly disclosed; confidential.


Esoteric Usage:

"an esoteric statement"
"an esoteric cult"
"esoteric interests"
"esoteric aims"
"esoteric philosophical theories"
"esoteric terminology"
"esoteric subjects"
"engaging in esoteric pursuits"
"an esoteric purpose"
"esoteric building materials"
"an esoteric plan"


Esoteric Forms:

esoterically – adverb
esotericism - noun


Use Esoteric in a sentence:

1. Professor Hawking’s book is a massive hit and has made his name around the world. Somehow he has managed to circumvent prejudice and to communicate his esoteric theories directly to the lay reader.

2. Even as acupuncture has grown in popularity, though, it has never been able to shake suspicions that it is merely an esoteric sham treatment.

3. His sensible and simple-to-follow approach to yoga gained many adherents and made what had seemed an esoteric Eastern approach accessible.

4. Computer programming was once an esoteric subject, but beginner courses and how-to books have made it easier to grasp.

5. Merely having Hawking’s name associated with the exhibition and having him open it guaranteed its success, attracting the interest of the media and a public who would normally not be drawn to so esoteric an exhibition.

6. You may as well focus on important matters that are well known, rather than try to understand the more esoteric finer points.

7. Many students complained the SATs were esoteric because their school didn’t teach them half the material on the tests.

8. Only a handful of experts are knowledgeable about the esoteric world of particle physics.


Esoteric Synonyms:

abstruse, deep, profound, recondite, mysterious, obscure, private, secret, hidden, inner, mysterious, mystical, mystic, occult, arcane, cryptic, inscrutable, cabbalistic.

Esoteric Antonyms:

common, familiar, known, obvious, public.


Some more examples:

1. The esoteric disciples were the small inner group to whom the master divulged his deeper meanings.

2. The English teachers were having an esoteric discussion about the correct usage of some obscure word.

3. Since philosophy professors are not expected to connect their esoteric discourse with practical affairs, it is more difficult to convict them of speaking nonsense.

4. She has published several books on relativity and other esoteric theories.

5. His esoteric ideas sometimes alienated him from others.

6. The esoteric language was only known by a select group.

7. The large novel had many esoteric allusions.

8. His life work has been conducting research in a somewhat esoteric branch of business.

9. “No matter what seemingly esoteric interest you have, be assured there is probably a publication out there clambering for your expertise.”


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obsequious Meaning and Usage


Obsequious Meaning:

- excessively or ingratiatingly compliant or submissive;
- attentive in a servile or ingratiating manner, fawning.
- slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic


Obsequious Usage:

"obsequious shop assistants"
obsequious waiters”
obsequious flatterer”
“an obsequious bow”
obsequious servants”


Obsequious Forms:

obsequiously - adverb
obsequiousness - noun


Use Obsequious in a sentence:

1. The obsequious new associate made sure to compliment her supervisor's tie and agree with him on every issue.

2. I believe that his obsequious behavior toward his grandmother is to ensure being included in the will.

3. The princess only seemed to encourage the obsequious behavior of her court to enhance her own feeling of superiority.

4. "There is nothing like an obsequious little puppy to relax you after being barked at all day at work."

5. “That obsequious Mark comes in early every day and sits in the boss's chair before the boss himself arrives just to warm the seat for him.”

6. “Do not treat me with affected and obsequious manners.”

7. The movie star traveled with an entourage of obsequious attendants who indulged her every whim and waited on her hand and foot.

8. He was most obsequious, and seemed ready to do everything for my comfort.


Obsequious Synonyms:

compliant, subservient, bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, insincere, servile, flattering, cringing, abject, submissive, grovelling, menial, ingratiating, deferential, slavish, unctuous, smarmy.


Obsequious Antonyms:

arrogant, assertive, brazen, confident, domineering, presumptuous.


Some more examples:

1. The fawning of the Minister by obsequious local leaders was so grotesque that the media refused to cover the event in protest.

2. Great is the magic of love that can restore a man in an instant of time from being an obsequious wreck to a thing of fire and resolution.

3. When he entered the restaurant, the waiters deserted bankers and merchants to overwhelm him with obsequious service...!!!

4. The man's attraction to the woman would be obvious if his obsequious behavior could be noted.

5. In industries where obsequious service is expected, one generally leaves a tip.

6. Unlike cats, who expect their owners to please them, dogs can seem obsequious, almost too eager to please.

7. Always obsequious, they obeyed us with fear and trembling.
