Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Querulous Meaning and Usage



- constantly complaining; peevish;
- inclined to find fault, whining
- expressing a complaint or grievance; grumbling
“a querulous voice”; “querulous comments”



Querulously – adverb
Querulousness – noun
Querulent - adjective


Use querulous in a sentence:

1. Stay away from Celina today; she is in a very querulous mood.

2. The candidate, even though with reticent attitude, has managed any querulous critic which has allowed him to concentrate in his purpose.

3. Wiggins is such a querulous soul that he even whines about himself!

4. The querulous ninny criticizes everything his wife does for him when he should thank her for tolerating him.

5. Film critics are often accused by film makers to be querulous when it comes to modern films.

6. The old woman spoke in a very querulous manner, complaining about the weather, the prices, the government and everything she had contact with.

7. "Georgia, I'm tired of waiting," complained Grandfather in a querulous voice, his peevish expression revealing unmistakable irritation at the girl's dawdling.

8. He objected to almost all the television programs and sent querulous letters to the broadcasters telling them so.

9. People who work in the complaint department of a store must get used to dealing with lots of querulous customers.

10. Amy irritates me when she constantly speaks in her querulous voice.

11. The gardener finished trimming the roses and was waiting for the querulous Mr. Jones to inspect his work, knowing that the latter would find something wrong.

12. His voice was slightly querulous, but he strained to be gentle.


annoyed, bad-tempered, cantankerous, carping, censorious, choleric, complaining, crabbed, crabby, cranky, critical, criticizing, cross, crotchety, crusty, curmudgeonly, disagreeable, dyspeptic, fault-finding, finical, finicky, fractious, fretful, fussy, grouchy, grumbling, grumpy, hypercritical, irascible, irritable, murmuring, nasty, peevishly, perverse, petulant, piqued, quarrelsome, snappish, snappy, sour, splenetic, surly, testy, touchy, ugly, waspish, whiney, whining, whiny.

cheerful, easy-going, happy, uncomplaining


Some more examples:

1. “I’m not sure I can climb the stairs,” Richard said, weakly querulous. “My fever may be too bad for me to do that.”

2. Nancy was so querulous that no hairstylist wanted to wait on her.

3. "Well, I hate dogs," said Eugene querulously.

4. "I have forgotten what I intended to say," he said querulously. "You have driven it out of my head."

5. She was a widow, who had been left with what she considered insufficient means, and her outlook on life was a compound of greed and querulousness.

6. "What do you want?" he said querulously. "What are you staring at me like that for?"

7. But he had never got on well with old Parry, that querulous, weak-kneed old man, Clarissa’s father, Justin Parry.

8. Nothing was stirring except a brindled, grey cat, which crept from the ashes, and saluted me with a querulous mew.

9. She talked in an even, querulous tone, as though she were recounting the injustices of fate, which had to be borne as part of the natural order of things.

10. The querulous, young kid was disdained by his classmates for his habit of complaining and cribbing about everything around him.

11. His querulousness often gets on my nerves. His whining is so intolerable.

12. It was a querulous crowd of dissatisfied employees asking their union representative why the massive cutbacks were happening.

13. “What? What is it? Who are you? What do you want?” he cried in a high-pitched, querulous voice, looking first at Hermione, then at Ron, and finally at Harry, upon which his mouth fell open in a perfect comical O.

14. Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and root-puller, but guiding, instructive, inspiring.



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