Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vilify Meaning and Usage

1. To make vicious and defamatory statements about; to say vile things about
2. criticize very harshly

1. The act of vilifying or defaming; slanderous defamation; spread negative information about; vituperate; rail
2. a rude expression intended to offend or hurt

1. the one who vilifies.

Let’s look at some examples:

1. Only those who hold such a ridiculously pedantic view could vilify the Irish rebellion by calling it a ' putsch’.
2. You can't vilify the music companies for seeking to profit from their intellectual property that is just good business practice.

3. In a statement, Heather's legal representatives said she had been vilified in the media and was now being stalked by photographers.

4. Why are you vilifying me? I told you that the dog took the keys and locked himself in the car.

5. I see nothing wrong in vilifying that vile Martha Sviniard; her gossip has destroyed far too many good reputations.

6. The professor is mad because the student's comments vilified her reputation.

7. Janet's angry letter chastised members of the media for attempting to vilify her brother, the disgraced ex-councilman.

8. The teacher was reprimanded for vilifying the slow student in front of the rest of the class.

9. Our taxi driver paused briefly on the way to the airport in order to vilify the driver of the car that had nearly forced him off the road.

10. The political debate was less of a debate than a vilification contest.

11. They were vilified by the press as “international terrorists”.

Synonyms (Vilify): abuse, asperse, assail, attack, backbite, belittle, berate, blister, calumniate, censure, condemn, criticize, curse, cuss, damn, debase, decry, defame, denigrate, denounce, derogate, discredit, disparage, impugn, jinx, lambaste, libel, malign, mistreat, pillory, rail, rap, revile, roast, scorch, slam, slander, slight, slur, smear, stigmatize, traduce, vilipend, vituperate.

Synonyms (Vilification): abuse, animadversion, aspersion, aspersions, attack, billingsgate, calumniation, calumny, castigation, censure, character assassination, condemnation, contumely, criticism, defamation, denigration, denunciation, derogation, detraction, discourtesy, disparagement, disrespect, execration, flak, insults, invective, lambasting, libel, lying, malicious, malignment, mudslinging, objurgation. obloquy, opprobrium, revilement, reviling, scandal, scurrility, slander, smear, traducement, upbraiding, vitriol, vituperation.

Antonyms (Vilify) : compliment, praise, commend, adore, commend, esteem, exalt, glorify, honour, praise, revere, venerate

Did you know?

"Vilify" came to English by way of the Middle English "vilifien" and the Late Latin "vilificare" from the Latin adjective "vilis," meaning "cheap" or "vile." It first appeared in English in the 15th century. Also debuting during that time was another verb that derives from "vilis" and has a similar meaning: "vilipend." When they were first used in English, both "vilify" and "vilipend" meant to regard someone or something as being of little worth or importance. "Vilipend" now carries an additional meaning of "to express a low opinion of somebody," while "vilify" means, more specifically, to express such an opinion publicly in a way that intends to embarrass a person or ruin his or her reputation.

Some more examples:

1. They were outcasts: ' new age ' travellers vilified by the press, looked on suspiciously by some of the locals.

2. Gregory Maguire wondered why she had been so vilified.

3. The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews.

4. The media vilified several of the election candidates.

5. You should not vilify that respected businessman, lest you soil his hard-earned reputation.


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